ADAM questionnaire
Got questions about the test?
What is the ADAM questionnaire?
The ADAM questionnaire (short for Androgen Deficiency in the Ageing Male) is a quick self-assessment designed to highlight possible signs of low testosterone and whether further testing might be needed.
Who should take the ADAM questionnaire?
Any man who’s noticed changes in mood, energy, sex drive or overall well-being can take the questionnaire — it only takes a few minutes.
How accurate is it?
The ADAM questionnaire catches around 88% of men who truly have low testosterone.
But, it’s only about 60% specific. This means around 40% of men who receive a positive result might not actually have low testosterone.
That's why a Testosterone Blood Test is important for confirmation.
Can the ADAM questionnaire diagnose low testosterone?
No, it can’t diagnose you on its own. It’s a screening tool that can spot common symptoms potentially linked to low testosterone.
If your answers indicate you might have low testosterone, the next step is to get a blood test for a definitive answer.